Wednesday, 27 August 2014


Govt.’s intension in drafting the rules under section 79(A) is that by appointing experienced PMC, society will get required expertise for the redevelopment project.
Unfortunately, in practice, some PMC’s, who call themselves expert, do not have full knowledge of rules and procedure of the GR under section 79(A).
On the contrary, they are of the opinion, that these rules are troublesome and inform members likewise. All members should keep in mind that redevelopment undertaken without following the rules of GR, is treated as illegal.
                WHAT IS PMC & WHAT IS ITS ROLL
PMC is the company consists of experienced architect, advocate, structural engineer and expert knowing all aspects of building construction. Professionals in this company should be registered with controlling body like Govt. or municipal corporation.
Since the work of each professional is equally important, they should have equal business status.

Redevelopment of building involves total new construction. Therefore PMC should have same system as that of a Developer, with which PMC should be able to supervise and monitor the project.
It is also observed that, instead of such a complete PMC Association, some Societies have appointed single Architect or Structural Engineer, or Lawyer as a PMC. Such a single PMC cannot function effectively in other areas like, Architect in legal matters, Lawyer in Technical aspects etc. and hence project remains with lot of deficiencies.
Alternately, they appoint all professionals who have never worked together and subsequently, create troubles due to misunderstanding and noncooperation amongst themselves.

Therefore, while appointing PMC, members must consider these aspects and appoint Proper and Experienced PMC ASSOCIATION.

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